3 Reasons to Use Remote Construction Vibration Monitoring Systems

If your building project will involve a lot of deep drilling or demolition work, then you might need to set up vibration monitoring. You need to ensure that you don't cause damage to neighbouring properties and that your noise levels don't create harm or disturbance.

While you can monitor vibrations on your site, you can also use remote solutions. Here, a small on-site monitor connects to a software system on an off-site computer. You keep an eye on your vibration levels remotely.

What are the benefits of remote vibration level monitoring?

1. Get Constant Monitoring

On-site vibration monitoring only really works if someone uses a monitor at all the right times. If someone forgets to use the monitor, then you won't know if your vibrations stay within safe levels or creep up into danger zones.

If you don't spot higher vibration levels immediately, then you could damage surrounding structures. Neighbouring homeowners or businesses might complain that you haven't met your pre-agreed commitments.

If you set up remote monitoring, then the system is constantly on alert. It will sound an alarm if levels exceed the vibration levels you set. So, you could set the software up on your office computer. It will tell you if you have a problem. You can then act on it immediately.

2. Keep Workers on the Job

If you have a monitor on-site, then you need to allocate someone to use it. You might have to take a worker off their usual jobs to hold and check a handheld monitor. Or, they might need to stand near a meter screen to watch its levels during noisy work. This isn't an ideal solution if you need all of your crew to focus on their regular jobs.

If you set up a remote system, then you don't lose any site labour time. You, or someone in your office, simply needs to make sure that the system is up and running before vibration work starts. You then check the screen periodically and listen out for alerts.

3. Prevent Equipment Damage and Loss

If you use an on-site monitor, then you risk loss or damage to the equipment. Someone might lose a handheld device; other devices might get damaged by the work that goes on around them. Your monitor needs to be in an accessible place so that someone can watch it.

If you use a remote system, then you can tuck the site monitor somewhere out of harm's way. Once the monitor is connected, you don't need access to it. It is less likely to get lost or damaged if it is safely stowed away.

For more information, contact remote construction project vibration monitoring suppliers.
